Spring 2023 

Dear Neighbors, 

Happy Spring! Please click on this link to access the 2023 Spring Planting Guidelines. Your  dedicated landscaping committee, led by HOA board vice president, Jeff Konowitz, worked in tandem  with the HOA board to adjust last year’s guidelines. These changes are based on community input, and  we are certain they will create a beautiful aesthetic for the coming spring and summer months. Please  take some time to review and understand these updated guidelines. Your cooperation will be most  appreciated and will avoid unnecessary and unpleasant situations between homeowners and  management. Thanks to the landscaping committee for their efforts. 

We were fortunate that a relatively mild winter produced no major snow events, and that our snow  removal expenses were not further impacted by the very costly removal of accumulating heavy  snowfalls this season. We are currently in the third year of our landscaping/snow removal contract,  making regular payments for services of landscaping and snow removal. Whether it snows or not, we  are bound to that contract and, unfortunately, we do not get a “refund” for a mild winter. However, we  also are not charged extra if we have a more active winter with numerous, moderate snow falls that are  within the accumulation limits of our agreed-upon contract. 

Did you know?...We live across the street from a preserve! To the west, the Sans Souci Preserve is home  to many indigenous wild animals. Recently, we have witnessed several woodland creatures, the likes of  a raccoon, a turkey, an unidentified "big bird,” and a rabbit (who may really be the Easter bunny  incognito), visiting our property. It is not necessary to alert our property manager of these sightings,  unless you feel there is imminent danger to the community. When that is the case, swift and  appropriate action will be taken. Also, please be aware that as earth is moved on the property east of us  to make way for further development, creatures are displaced from their natural habitats and will be  seeking new homes. Let’s not welcome them with summer plantings of food sources that may make  them nuisances to our community and create additional cost to the HOA if we must take action to  remove them. Our property manager, Meghan, and the board will continue to monitor the property for  any unusual sightings or abnormal behaviors of the animals who visit. We also continue to monitor the  presence of geese and are working with our geese control company on that matter. 

Irish eyes were smiling…in fact, all eyes were smiling...on our very own special leprechaun, John  Muscara, leading our social committee and transforming our clubhouse into an “Irish Meadow” for a  festive gathering on Friday, March 17th. A wonderful turnout with Irish music, scrumptious snacks,  desserts, and an added treat of traditional Irish coffee made for a very enjoyable evening as many BME ers came out of hibernation to reunite with neighbors and friends. We are indeed very lucky to have  some dedicated worker bees among us who enjoy creating opportunities for us to bond and evolve into  a close-knit BME family. Thanks to all involved in this endeavor. It sounds like another great social  event is in the planning stages by our neighbors at the “End of the Trail” for a Cinco de Mayo fiesta on  Seis de Mayo (May 6th!). Stay tuned for more information on this.  

The board has acted, following the costly replacement last spring and fall of many dead or dying trees,  bushes, and shrubs around our community. To treat, preserve, and protect these common property  enhancements, the board has contracted with Bartlett Tree Experts. They will be onsite at various  intervals, April through October, to treat and suppress invasive conditions such as insects, mites, fungi,  and mildew, as well as other hazardous conditions that can damage our trees, bushes, and shrubs.

Finally, the board wishes to remind you that you have a great opportunity to make entering our  community a little easier with an “optional” update to our entry gate technology, called EZ Pass Entry.  Information about this new system—including some frequently asked questions by residents—is  available in the clubhouse and on our HOA community website, bme11705.org. Just as we all upgrade  our personal technology of computers, printers, and cell phones as they become outdated, please  consider opting in to the EZ Pass system. Fobs are an older technology for gate entry and will be phased  out as it becomes more costly to replace the fobs. We expect this new EZ Pass system to be more cost  effective over time for our community. Applications to opt in to the EZ Pass Resident Gate Entry System  are due by April 1st and can be downloaded from bme11705.org. A limited supply of applications is available in the clubhouse great room. They can be completed and placed under the clubhouse office  door, handed in person to Meghan on Tuesday between 10 am and noon, or given directly to a board  member. Thank you for considering this upgrade. 

And speaking of the clubhouse office…an upgraded computer, and a laser printer donated by a resident,  were recently added to the clubhouse office to assist with managerial business for BME. To safeguard  the existing and new electronic equipment, the office will remain locked when not in use. The social  activity board has been relocated to the kitchen.  

Finally, on behalf of my fellow HOA and Condo boards, I wish all a happy and safe spring as we look  forward to our second summer season of fun, splishing and splashing or noodle floating in the outdoor  pool, partying on the pool deck, or simply enjoying life around our beautiful Meadow! 

Best regards, 

Holly Bernhard, President 

HOA Board of Directors